[:en]MCI in collaboration with DSResearch by DailySocial conducted research and publish a series of studies with the theme of digital innovation in financial institutions.

This first edition entitled Insurtech Strategic Innovation discusses insurance landscape globally, insurance landscape in Indonesia, technology as a driver of innovation in the insurance industry, challenges in insurtech innovation, collaboration between insurtech and financial industry players, and insurtech case studies.

Download the study via the following link: Insurtech Strategic Innovation

MCI berkolaborasi dengan DSResearch by DailySocial mengadakan riset dan menerbitkan serangkaian kajian yang bertemakan inovasi digital di lembaga keuangan.

Kajian pertama ini berjudul Insurtech Strategic Innovation (Inovasi Strategis dalam Teknologi Asuransi) membahas tentang lanskap asuransi secara global, lanskap asuransi di Indonesia, teknologi sebagai pendorong inovasi di industri Asuransi, tantangan di inovasi insurtech, kolaborasi antara insurtech dan pelaku industri finansial, serta studi kasus.

Unduh kajian melalui link berikut: Insurtech Strategic Innovation